How many brothers or sisters do you have?? 3? 4? or maybe 5?? do you think that your family is a big family?? have you heard about Duggars family before?? this family might be the biggest family in the world today with 18 children so in this nuclear family there are 20 family members!!
The Duggar Familly reminds me of that Steve Martin movie, “Cheaper by the Dozen”. Only this is real life, which makes it less funny and a lot weirder.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar met in 1980 and got married in 1984. It would be 4 years until their first son, Joshua, was born. After that, they decided to use birth control, but Michelle became pregnant and suffered a miscarriage. It was then that they decided to stop using birth control methods and let God decide how many children they would have. So far they have 18 children, 10 boys and 8 girls.
The Duggars are conservative Baptists who raise their children with very little television and monitored internet access. They are educated at home and use a buddy system, in which an older sibling is assigned to a younger one, taking care of him.
The Duggar Familly has its own reality show, on TLC.