Have you ever read a Japanese manga?? i used to a manga lovers several years ago, there's many interesting things about the manga character design. usually a manga character has a big eyes, small mouth and cute face. but how if we implemented these figure into the world famous celebrity?? of course by using a photoshop. we won't get the real manga looks in our real world. look at the left picture. that was Avril lavigne in her manga figure.
In our previous post several months ago we give you about the anime version celebrity and the other funny stuff created with photoshop changing face.
We have plenty of good photoshopped picture of the Celebrity in Manga Version. maybe one of them is your idol?? you can compare them in their manga version or their real version in our world. which one do you prefer??
I think that's really funny if there's a real manga character in our worlds. OK enough talking here's the picture of Celebrity in Manga Version. Could you figure it out who are they?