Kellan Lutz Short Hairstyles

Photo of Kellan Lutz male short hairstyle.
Kellan Lutz short hairstyle

Kellan Lutz is the American actor who plays the role of Emmett Cullen in the Twilight series of movies based on the books by Stephanie Meyer. He was born on 15 March, 1985. In addition to this movie role, Lutz has played in other movies and television programs including A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Bold and the Beautiful, CSI New York, and Heroes. Here, we will look at some Kellan Lutz short hairstyles.

Short Textured Haircut

Image of Kellan Lutz short textured hairstyle.
Kellan Lutz short textured hairstyle

One short hairstyle that looks very good on Kellan is a short, textured haircut that is accomplished by doing all the cutting with a pair of scissors. The sides and back are tapered slightly. There is no need to brush this hairstyle, though application of a small amount of styling paste gives definition and separates the hair on top.

Picture of Kellan Lutz textured hairstyle for men.
Kellan Lutz textured hairstyle

Photo of Kellan Lutz curly hairstyle.
Kellan Lutz curly textured hairstyle
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