First Hybrid Street Sweeper Vehicle Allianz 4000, It seems that Slowly but surely, all types of vehicles will switch to electric engine technology nor hybrid cars and this time it's turn of a street sweeper for a hybrid fever.
Allianz 4000 is a car with a street sweeper in the world's first hybrid engine that uses diesel and electricity in it.
With the help of 2 pieces of battery with a capacity of 12 volts for each battery, Allianz 4000 can save up to 40-45% compared to diesel cars with engines ordinary street sweeper. Allianz 4000 can walk with a speed of 100 km / h but unfortunately at the time of cleaning a street, its speed can only reach 5-11 km / hour. See also Vox Mobile a guitar shaped vehicle.
Currently, Allianz 4000 has been used in the city of New York and is expected to be used in other cities for fuel efficient and also environmentally friendly (reduce pollution and noise levels), Here's more pictures of Allianz 4000, the first Hybrid Street Sweeper vehicle in the world.